
Comet Cupboard Design Challenge Fall 2023


AIGA is the American Institute of Graphic Arts and their UTD chapter holds a design challenge where, given a prompt students attempt a design in any medium they choose and have to create and present their design infront of judges and bystanders, in a design exchange. The prompt this semester was to design something that would help promote and improve the comet cupboard.

The Problem

After me and my team visited the Comet Cupboard and talked with the various volunteers we learned that majority of the students who took food from the comet cupboard where choosing rather unhealthy and quick to consume options. Things like ramen, chips and snacks which are low in nutritional value and aren't satiating, which - to no ones suprise - aren't good for growing and learning college students.

Our Solution

Both me and my partners wanted to tackle this issue by revamping the comet cupboard website so that its not only a hub for information, but also so it can have some usefull tools that let us guide students in their chose of food.

Our design was ultimately based on other large food pantries but we also wanted to add a modern flair that helped make the website more user friendly and established a clearer tone.

We also created a proof of concept for a recipe page which would aim to combat the amount of largely unhealthy options students would pick in the comet cupboard. The page would show various recipes that had ingredients that were in stock in the comet cupboard. Allowing for students to pick out confidently which ingredients would allow them to create dishes that where both healthier and that where more satiating.

The website was built with Sveltekit and majority of the design and mock up of what we wanted the look and feel of the site to be was done in Figma.


Presenting at the design exchange was both nerveracking and exciting and I am glad of what me and my team had accomplished. Our design solution was able to catch the attention of both the judges and the multiple attendees who visited our booth and who we had the pleasure to talk to.

So much so that we ended up winning the Peoples Choice award at the event.

Me and my teamates being given the reward

Overall I am so grateful to AIGA for holding this design challenge which will definetely be something that I will attempt to participate in the future, and I am grateful to have such wonderful teamates that stuck with me through all the trails and tribulations.
